Scrum, Kanban, or other frameworks or tools, the Agile team often faces problems in selecting the right tool to work with. If statistics of 2021 are to be believed, 94% of respondents confirm that their businesses have adopted agile methodology. Thus, using the right agile tools and technology to extensively increase their project progress. We have listed one of the best agile software or tools. 

Agile development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It aims to deliver high-quality software solutions in a more efficient and adaptive manner compared to traditional waterfall methods.

Agile development emerged as a response to the limitations of traditional project management methodologies, which often suffered from rigid planning, slow feedback cycles, and difficulty in adapting to changing requirements. Agile methodologies tools, on the other hand, prioritize flexibility and responsiveness to change.

In this article, we have included top Agile development tools that businesses can adapt to excel in their goals and maximize business growth. 


Jira is a popular project management and issue-tracking tool widely used in agile software development. It provides teams with a robust set of features to plan, track, and release software effectively. Here is some information about Jira and its key features for agile development:

  • Agile Methodology Support: Jira is designed to support agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban. 
  • User Stories and Epics: Jira allows you to create user stories, which represent individual requirements or features from a user’s perspective.
  • Sprints and Backlog Management: Jira helps teams plan and execute their work in iterations called sprints.
  • Issue Tracking: Jira excels at issue tracking, enabling teams to capture, prioritize, and resolve bugs, tasks, and other work items. 
  • Customizable Workflows: Jira offers customizable workflows, allowing teams to define their unique processes for issue resolution. 


Kanbanize is a powerful online Kanban project management tool that supports agile tools for development processes. Here is some information about Kanbanize and its key features for agile development:

  • Kanban Board: Kanbanize provides a highly visual and customizable Kanban board that allows teams to create and manage their work using cards and columns. 
  • Work Item Tracking: With Kanbanize, teams can create cards to represent individual work items, such as user stories, tasks, or bugs. 
  • Workflow Automation: Kanbanize offers powerful automation capabilities that enable teams to streamline their workflows and reduce manual effort.
  • Analytics and Metrics: Kanbanize provides insightful analytics and metrics to help teams measure their performance and identify areas for improvement. 

GitHub Project Management

GitHub offers a built-in project management tool that supports agile development methodologies. The GitHub Project Management tool is designed to help teams organize and track their work within the GitHub ecosystem. 

  • Issue Tracking: GitHub’s project management tool integrates with the issue-tracking functionality of GitHub repositories. 
  • Milestones: GitHub allows teams to set up milestones to track progress toward specific goals or project releases. 
  • Automation with GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is a powerful automation tool that can be integrated with the project management workflow. 
  • Team Collaboration: GitHub’s project management tool provides a collaborative environment for team members. 
  • Integrations: GitHub offers a wide range of integrations with other popular development tools and services. 

Active Collab

ActiveCollab provides teams with a centralized platform to plan, track, and execute projects while fostering collaboration and transparency. It is one of the popular agile software development. Here are some key features and information about ActiveCollab as it relates to agile development:

  • Project Management: ActiveCollab offers various project management capabilities, including task management, milestones, and Gantt charts. 
  • Agile Methodologies Support: ActiveCollab supports agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban. You can create projects using agile templates specifically designed to align with these methodologies. 
  • Collaboration and Communication: The tool promotes collaboration among team members through features like comments, file sharing, and notifications. 
  • Time Tracking and Reporting: ActiveCollab includes time tracking features, allowing team members to log the time spent on tasks. 
  • Integration and Automation: ActiveCollab integrates with popular third-party tools, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Zapier. This enables seamless data exchange and automates repetitive tasks, further streamlining the project management process.


It provides a visual and collaborative platform for planning, tracking, and executing agile projects. Here’s some information about Proggio and its relevance to agile development:

  • Visual Project Management: Proggio employs a unique visual project management approach that uses timelines and flowcharts. This popular tool used in agile software development allows teams to easily understand the project’s timeline, dependencies, and overall progress. 
  • Agile Methodology Support: Proggio supports agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban. It provides features like backlogs, user stories, sprints, and task boards. 
  • Collaboration and Communication: Proggio promotes collaboration among team members through features like real-time updates, task assignments, and comments. 
  • Resource Management: Proggio allows you to manage and allocate resources efficiently. You can assign team members to tasks, track their availability, and monitor workloads.
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