POS Software
We have developed the below features and functions in the POS software.
Features in users’ POS system (Input New Sale):
We added the following features to the user's point-of-sale system:
Add a station option with a drop-down menu of stations so that users can link their printers and devices to stations.
Add a salesman option with a drop-down menu of salesmen so that the user can select.
Created a Pallets Out option to allocate pallets to the sale for future records as well.
The user can also add a delivery note to the transaction.
We have created a Draft Invoice option to record an invoice to be finalized later on.
The user will be able to create an invoice for this transaction and will have the ability to email and print it as well.
Users can use the cash option to take payment in cash.
The user can use the card option to take payment via card.
Add a Credit Note button to initiate a refund and print a credit note.
A PROCESS button to show the inputs and the pathways.
There will be other options for desired functions as
We add the following desired features:
Created an Add New Business button that will allow users to add buyer information to their system.
Created filters for SMCS business only or non-SMCS only
Created a keyboard as well with letterboxes to filter for businesses (buyers).
Created a customer file option so that businesses can get transaction records and balances.
Created a button for credit notes.
We add the following desired features
Search Filter for searching Product/Supplier as desired.
A column to show the name of the product type
A column to show Units/Supplier
Button to show active consignments that are ready to sell.
‘Undo’ Button
Button to add a product with the desired details.
A column for Price ($) (Inc GST to input default prices for each unit of their products.
Buttons to Add Units (+) by adding the desired details such as Select unit, Type Unit, Unit Weight (KG), units, Scroll bars, Add Product
A button to add new units by adding their details
Button to Save Price
A column for the enable/disable option
GST column with a check box.
A column for inventory code
A button to save inventory code
A Delete button in the shape of a bin to delete the product from the user's system. (by selecting only).
In this section, We added the following features
Search Option: To search for consignments from a certain supplier. Here, it shows details in columns such as supplier, Type, consignment ID, Documents, Price, Value($), sold (%), completion date, Status, etc.
created an Add Consignment button to add a consignment to the system by inputting the required details, such as
Variety Name
type of product with a photo.
Units available to sold.
Consignment number.
Advised to input the advised amount of inventory.
Received to input the received amount of inventory
Waste inventory
Graded: the number of products that were graded and it will just appear here.
Cost Per Unit from the supplier.
A Create Consignment button to create a consignment by inputting the required details.
Open the CONSIGNMENTS page with the details: Total Stats, Total Costs, Total Sales, Gross Profit, GP (%), Print Info, Print A4 Balance, Complete Button, etc.
Created a COMPLETE CONSIGNMENT page so that the user can complete the consignment without the status options.
In this section, we provided the following buttons and columns for users to see the inventory details
Search bar to search for products listed.
Show Products
Overselling button to sell products after the stock has run out and be able to go into the minuses.
By searching, the user gets the following details of inventory in the column as
In this section, the user will have the following details
Transaction type (invoice, SMCS invoice, cash, card)
Customer Address
User Logo
Transaction date
User address
Invoice Due date
Ref# is the reference number of the transaction.
Reprint Docket
Reprint Invoice
Print A4
Email the buyer to email the buyer an A4 invoice pdf of the transaction.
Transaction History Section.
Add an Export CSV option to download a CVS (Microsoft Excel file) for All or Selected.
Transaction details: By selecting the Select Box.
Date: This is the date of the transaction.
Time: This is the time the transaction occurred.
User can see the customer files in the desired format as per your given design.
Balance Box that has the totals which the customer owes to the seller. Here, The data will be as follows:
Opening amount
Bought amount
Closing amount
Paid (-) amount
Credits (-)amount
Select Dates Option: Users can select the date range of the transaction.
Sort By Option: Users will be able to sort data by, time, trans type, total high and total low, SMS notification, status
Filter Option: Users can filter the data by: Cash Transactions SMCS Invoices, Non-SMCS Invoices Credit Notes, Paid Unpaid, Overdue Invoices
Created a Select column with a box that users can use to select a transaction
Date: To show the date of the transaction
Ref#: To show the reference number of the transaction.
Trans Type: To show the type of transaction.
Buyer: To show the name of the buyer who purchased the products in the transaction
Total: To show the total amount of the transaction.
Partial Payment Option
Total owned Column will show the amount still owed by the customer for the transaction.
SMCS Notified: It will simply state yes or no.
Status button
Details column with a View button
Action Button
Email Buyer Invoice
In this section, the user will get some overall sales statistics for the day.
Users can search by selecting the dates as well.
#Units Sold Column will show the total number of units of all products sold that day.
Total Sales ($)
#Units Refunded
Total credits ($)
Gross sales
Users can see the information about the suppliers.
User can add suppliers using ADD SUPPLIER.
User can add products from the supplier using the SUPPLIER PRODUCTS tab.
Filter: To filter Added (products added to the supplier) and Not Added (products yet to be added under this supplier) products.
The user will be able to see a summary of the pallets by searching in the filters.
Created the sections to create Seller Profile by providing the following details
In this section, users build the layout of their POS for Input New Sale and Input Business Sale sections. We provided the following functions in this.
On this screen, we will add buttons for categories such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other items to switch to that category and add products under each one.
Add products to POS by searching for product types in POS.
Add an Enable/Disable column below the button.
Created a box over every product column for Type in Heading
Save button to save the changes
Undo Button
We provided the following features in POS with the desired functionalities:
Payment or Refund Options
Draft Invoice Option
Invoice Option
Cash Option (If a buyer will pay in cash, then the seller will use this.)
Card Option (If the buyer will pay using a card, then it will be connected via the Square Terminal API.)
Cash (no payment)
Print Options for Sale
Buyers module (Buyer’s Mobile Application)
We have developed the following screen in the app for buyers.
New Account button
Signup Screen for buyers
Home Screen
Orders Screen
Created New Order Section
Cart Section
Sent Order Section
Counter Offers Section
Confirmed Orders Section
Reorder/Past Orders Section
Accounting Screen:
Transactions Section
Balances Section
Pallets Section
Menu Screen:
Administration Module (Web Based)
We developed an admin panel so that clients can access customers, and sellers, and have a complete 360° view of all the activities, including full control of the system.
The major sections in the administration module are as follows:
Login: Standard Login and Authentication
Dashboard: Show the complete overview of sales, disputes, customers, vendors, and various notification alerts.
User Access Management: Created, Edited, and Controlled Access
Manage buyer profiles (inactivate consumer profiles if the consumer does not comply with company policies).
Manage seller profiles (inactivate non-compliant profiles)
Manage POS dashboard generic settings (create, change, and delete)
Manage Payment Methods: Standard API (Enable/Disable, Edit Keys, etc.)
Manage Transactions
Manage product quality
Manage seller payments and audits, transaction logs, etc.
Manage sellers' contracts
Dispute Management
Manage consumer/buyer agreements, privacy statements, and CMS
Configurable system charges (or setting various system and payment protocols)
Push messages (customers and merchants)
Reports (various reports, the client will disclose the specs later)